Forum » Hints on new music » Music for a horror/fantasy film project

Music For A Horror/Fantasy Film Project

Hints on new music
Serf – Lvl 4

184 XP

Howdy, I tried my best to compose the score to a little horror production called „Sarah”, a short film (18-19 min) produced by film students from all departments about a series of murderous events around a remote cabin the woods. It was executed for educational purpose only; nobody involved got any money. The film is to be released online after an initial promotion phase for short film contests, festivals etc. However, I am eager to get some early feedback on the music, especially some hints concerning the mix and the overall sound. Is it realistic enough? If not, what sucks the most? Of course, there were no real accoustic instruments involved. Fell free to tel me what you think about it. Maybe you'll recognize the major motif (a falling fourth/tritone shift) here or there. Best regrads Dustin

Updated 4 December 2019 (00:37)

Serf – Lvl 4

184 XP

The film has finally been uploaded on youtube:

Updated 25 June 2017 (20:25)