Im Thinking about how i can give you the Songs as a Wav File ...... I need some more web space
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
44318 XP
Isn't MP3 "better" as it doesn't use up that much web space?
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Ther well be somting brand new in 2 ore 3 Month.... Its callt Headphonesurround.
You can here with an normal Hedphon surround Music.
And I´m planig to by this new technic. You can use also mp3...but wave will be better.
By the way Im thinking abaut an Project for the future...making an Album together with the community of Radio Rivendell, Maybe Free for your User but for Mony for the rest of the World (witch is not so important then Radio Rivendell) in my mp3 shop
Updated 21 April 2012 (14:04)
Posted by the way Im thinking abaut an Project for the future...making an Album together with the community of Radio Rivendell, Maybe Free for your User but for Mony for the rest of the World (witch is not so important then Radio Rivendell) in my mp3 shop
This is a great idea. Pity that I have no clue of making music.
BTW: Elrond, are there any ideas for a new RR compilation?
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
44318 XP
There will definitely be a third RR compilation! It's just a matter of how long time it will take
We'll probably not release this on physical CD as the first release as it costs so much to produce. We're all in for the fun anyway so digital release will probably be most useful anyways
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Do you wanna have contact
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
44318 XP
Hmm... those links didn't work?
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Ralf, your new song is really fine. I like the slow, dragging tempo. Really good.
BTW: Here is the correct link
And here is the Video
in the moment i do a lot of boouuuwm beiiing diiiing stuff for the Monk Prjekt
but in some weeks there will be a new album for Dungeonslayer comming out.
the ggod thing ist this is a Role Playing Game that is in German and in English.
When it is out i will give Mr. Elround quickly the mp3 for his stream.
The 2. Projekt im working on is a cd that will come out in will be .... no im not allowd to tell sorry
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18
7921 XP
Nice to hear! I was supposed to do some music for the monk project as well, but i had some really troubling last months, so i had to leave it. Yesterday I started making music again after some difficult months. Maybe we should get back to that piece of music we wanted to create together sometime
Oh yes that would be very cool...hope whe can make a track together!
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18
7921 XP
Great! We can take it easy, no hurry. My email is
You can contact me whenever you want. I think we should begin from scratch. First find a theme for the track.
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
44318 XP
Keep med posted Ralf! I'd love to get more music from you
Oh, and perhaps you guys could write songs for the forthcoming third Rivendell compilation too?
Friggin Lord Elrond!
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18
7921 XP
That would be really nice!
Yes ... that would be very cool!
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18
7921 XP
i've sent you an email on To slowly get started
Very nice stuff you have there, thank you for bringing it to our community!