Forum » Hints on new music » Dragon's Breath CD coming soon!

Dragon's Breath Cd Coming Soon!

Hints on new music
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18

8745 XP

Hi guys, just to keep you updated, there's a new CD in the works and should hopefully be coming soon. Some of the finished tracks include: Face the Dragon (also will include a bonus track featuring the beautiful vocals of Cat from Mystified: Heavenly Bodies Into the Cave Keeper of the Scroll Sanctuary of the Star (Full version. This will also be on the Radio Rivendell compilation, but may have to be reduced in length.) Rise into Glory (currently being worked on) Bonus tracks: Dragonborn (Romance version) More tracks to follow. I'm aiming for about 10-14 tracks, hopefully.

Updated 24 January 2016 (16:38)

Official webstore. Also available on Spotify, ITunes and more.
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18

8745 XP

Just to update you - all tracks finished and finalised, now just waiting for Spotify, itunes and the rest to list them, which can take a couple of weeks.
Official webstore. Also available on Spotify, ITunes and more.
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44344 XP

Wow, excellent news Tinc! We want one!
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Militia – Lvl 11

1722 XP

ok Tincolindo, just got this one from CDbaby. Black Wings sold me

Updated 18 February 2016 (14:26)

Militia – Lvl 11

1722 XP

Posted by Alanar Raskinnok Tincolindo, just got this one from CDbaby.Black Wings sold me

now that I've listened to the entire CD in order, I shall inform you that halfway through track 3, you earned my complete and undivided attention.

I backed away from my editing rig, grabbed my Chromebook & coconut mocha, propped my feet up and just listened...

Updated 18 February 2016 (15:03)

Serf – Lvl 4

195 XP

Speaking as one of Those Luddites out there, is there any chance you'll make your music available on physical CD?
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18

8745 XP

Aw, thanks everyone! Elrond, yes of course, a copy will be winging it's way to you. Mekkis, I'm sorry, unfortunately not. The cost for me to produce them is too high for the return I get on them. Sorry!
Official webstore. Also available on Spotify, ITunes and more.
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