Forum » Merchandising talk » T-Shirt price?

T-Shirt Price?

Merchandising talk
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

How much would you be willing to pay for a T-shirt? Postage and packing will be excluded in the poll. This is regarding the price of the T-shirt only.
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Herald – Lvl 10

2500 XP

i voted 15$ but it depends alot on the design and quality
Wizard – Lvl 12

8142 XP

If we design the t-shirts, it would be cheaper... Anyway, I don't know the actual price of the printing of the shirts...
Lowlife – Lvl 1

12 XP

I don´t now at what price is the change of $ in front of ? ... but, in my opinion, more or less " 20 or 25 ? "
Officer – Lvl 9

4696 XP

1$ is about 0.8EUR So 20-25EUR would be about 25-30$
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Prices currently range from $15.99 to $18.99 so it's a bit more expensive than most of you folk want. Can't do too much about it though. Perhaps knock off a dollar, but currently Radio Rivendell gets $2 for every sold item, not much
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Guard – Lvl 14

4059 XP

At least it is something towards the station.
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Exactly Everything I earn for Rivendell will go back to you guys somehow
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Wizard – Lvl 12

8142 XP

Actually, I'm not listening to RR as I used to do about 2 years ago... But, hey!, I'd donated. And I contribute to the forum! Want my money back!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Haha! You'll never get your money back! The money is in big chest sitting next to me here in Rivendell. I will go Minas Tirith and buy stuff for it, stuff for you guys. Oh, I perhaps should buy that UPS for the server I have been thinking about.
Friggin Lord Elrond!
– Lvl 20

10727 XP

Lord Elrond, a great tee shirt designed by the contest you are running, they would be worth around $20. Rock Tees go for that and more. Also characters from movies run around $20. At least I know where this money is going. Love this site! witchywanda
Lowlife – Lvl 1

40 XP

10$ is how many EUR, does anyone know?
Resident – Lvl 4

902 XP

$10 are about 8 ?.
Prince – Lvl 15

13042 XP

15? - 20? is a fair price, I think. That's are the costs for a t-shirt in germany.
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Speaking of T-shirts... soon it's 2007 and that means... New T-shirts! We really should get our act together and finish the new prints early in the year.
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Lowlife – Lvl 1

4 XP

I am willing to pay t-shirts based on its printing status. We know that apparels’ prices depend on their quality and the design. Printing t-shirts wasn’t just easy to be done, but we are expecting for the new ones this year.
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

5129 XP

i voted for 20$ as a good price.....we've in mind that a good quality t-shirt don't cost less that 12 or 15 euros here in Spain and we must have in consideration the printing costs and the benefit for Radio Rivendell chest so, 20$ is an affordable price for an unique item that we can bought and help a bit Elrond to make some cash that's all
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18

7921 XP

20$ considering some nice quality and nice artwork
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Slave – Lvl 3

109 XP

$20 is totally reasonable. can't wait to rep a RR t-shirt
Soldier – Lvl 12

2122 XP

I assume it's euros we are talking about?