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The Wheel Of Time - Amazom

Films & TV
Tyler Max
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

702 XP

So there are 2 seasons out now and i do feel that this should be here. Whats everyone's thoughts? Me, the books do most things better (of course, when is the move ever better?) but the show does go its own way well.
Who Am I? No one! Everyone! I am ME! I am You!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44344 XP

I haven't watched it, don't have Amazon. I've never read the books, but I guess it should be good? I didn't read the Game of Throne books either (shame on me!) but loved the show! Until the final season though... 🤔
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Tyler Max
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

702 XP

never got into the Game....
Who Am I? No one! Everyone! I am ME! I am You!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

37265 XP

Woo, I could go on a long spiel here, but I'll try to keep it simple. I tried to read "A Wheel of Time" (starting with the "Eye of the World" a long time ago, but I had difficulty really getting into it. I was likely in my 20s at the time...I'm about to turn 50. It might change were I to try to pick it up again today, though Jordan's death before he finished the series did deter me even further (something I'm afraid will likely happen to Martin before A Song of Ice and Fire can be completed). Ever since the Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings movies proved that fantasy can indeed be successful in the box office, I've felt that most fantasy (and science fiction) works have been a contest in how much writers/producers/directors can put their own modern spin on practically anything. I actually felt that Game of Thrones tried to veer from that trend for awhile (and success followed), but once they deviated much from Martin's works and fell on tropes such as fast-travel-for-convenience, it all went to hell. I've heard the Wheel of Time series put much put their own spin from the start, and it wasn't accepted very well from both fans and casuals. And don't even get me going on Rings of Power. Quite frankly, I feel like most of these shows have lost heart and meaning in exchange for visual feasts and for scolding half of the audience of not necessarily accepting today's "moral" trends.
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44344 XP

Sounds like I shouldn't invest in Amazon Prime for this series at least 😊
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

254 XP

I read the books years ago. They were very good but at times in the series, a bit of a struggle to finish. The series, while it is difficult to compare against the books, some things I think they nailed. The Trollocks, Padan Fain, the evil characters, seem to be what I have imagined. Two Rivers is well done. Some of the TV characters are just as annoying as those in the books. I look forward to more!