Rank (male) – Lvl 1
44344 XP
Hi again!
Just a thought... We have a few roleplaying sessions going on here in the forums. I'm just wondering if you'd need any special functionality to aid in your gaming to make it easier and more fun. Or perhaps it's good enough?
Friggin Lord Elrond!
You are most kind to think of us. *bows deep*
At least right now nothing comes to my mind what could be better, but I'll inform You if I come up with something.
Cheers All,
Roleplaying sessions? Where?
(haven't had time to look around for years to be honest...)
Without knowing the details; I do think no roleplaying sites can go on without a decent dice roller; that said, I know no better than rpglibrary and it can be probably accessed via an API, so it can probably be incorporated into chat or forums. Once I also made an IM bot for dice rolling in php; may be able to help you out in such a thing if needed.
Posted by SurranóCheers All,Roleplaying sessions? Where? (haven't had time to look around for years to be honest...)Without knowing the details; I do think no roleplaying sites can go on without a decent dice roller; that said, I know no better than rpglibrary and it can be probably accessed via an API, so it can probably be incorporated into chat or forums. Once I also made an IM bot for dice rolling in php; may be able to help you out in such a thing if needed.Cheers,S.
Here in Radio Rivendell we play text based rpg that can be found here https://www.radiorivendell.com/forum/12/. If you are interested Bard's Ale Tavern is free for anyone to join and actually we could use some fresh blood (both figuratively and literally).
In text based rpg rolling a die isn't really the thing and personally I have never used dice when playing forum rpgs. Though the dice rolling isn't that important I completely understand your point. At least for me an important part of rpgs' appeal is the satisfying clatter of dice on a table and some kind of dice number generator here in Rivendell would be neat. Especially if you could include the sound effect as well.