The Radio Rivendell Newsletter
Improvements & Suggestionsinye
566 XP
I´ve been a little bored this evening... ...and to stop this circumstance immediately, I started my office program for a small attempt...
Updated 25 May 2014 (01:20)
Hilly Greenfield
10218 XP
Posted by inye
It is good, if when You are bored, you can create something. When I am bored, i just look on ceiling =)
566 XP
Posted by Hilly Greenfield
Posted by Hilly Greenfield
...If that's the case, have you ever tried to send your spirit conjunct with your inner eye on a voyage behind the ceiling?
Updated 25 May 2014 (20:08)
2806 XP
44318 XP
Vinnie johnson
816 XP
Vinnie johnson
816 XP
44318 XP
Tyler Max
702 XP
"Well, it looks like The Great Eagles just delivered The Rivendell Palantir" has a REALLY nice ring to it! +1