Forum » Improvements & Suggestions » Introduction Category in the Forum

Introduction Category In The Forum

Improvements & Suggestions
Quest for Glory
Militia – Lvl 11

1729 XP

Hello everybody, I think that a new category should be added to the Forum, where new members can introduce themselfs to the community. I think it is required not only for musicians but also others new members can say something about themself if they want to. When I first joined the site I had this dificultty that I didn't knew where to post. This is my suggestion what is your opinion about it?
Footman – Lvl 13

2806 XP

An Introduce Yourself section is a perfect idea my friend I agree that there should be a specific place where new members can introduce themselves! Good suggestion!
Conjurer Soundcloud Website
Distinguished Citizen – Lvl 9

1246 XP

It's a great idea !! Maybe Lord Elrond can make it happend in the blink of an eye

Updated 12 May 2015 (17:32)
Footman – Lvl 13

2806 XP

Lol if he's not too busy adding all the members to the radio He might have had a few emails lately heh...
Conjurer Soundcloud Website
Distinguished Citizen – Lvl 9

1246 XP

HAHAHAHA !! I imagine he is very happy with RR moving on into that Compilation 3!
Footman – Lvl 13

2806 XP

Lets hope so
Conjurer Soundcloud Website
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44344 XP

Aah, what an excellent idea! This should have been done 10 years ago, but alas... I forgot

    *shakes wand*

Introduction forum

Friggin Lord Elrond!
Footman – Lvl 13

2806 XP

AH the magic! I was wondering, would this be for new members from now? Or should all new members Re Introduce themselves? Maybe Re Post their Introductions? What do you reckon?
Conjurer Soundcloud Website
Quest for Glory
Militia – Lvl 11

1729 XP

Posted by ElrondAah, what an excellent idea! This should have been done 10 years ago, but alas... I forgot *shakes wand*Introduction forum

I like that kind of magic!

For me it will be also interesting to know who the olders members are, but I think it should be for the new members, so that we can welcome them and have an idea what are they like ...
Footman – Lvl 13

2806 XP

I agree with Quest! We can always read through the forum to find the older members
Conjurer Soundcloud Website
Quest for Glory
Militia – Lvl 11

1729 XP

Someone just posted in the new member section. I was kind of afraid, because nobody was posting there and I thought about to reintroduce myself so that is not that empty there.
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44344 XP

All you recently new members, feel free to "repost" your introductions to add threads into that forum, or people might not want to post as it's a completely empty forum I'll do one myself!
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Quest for Glory
Militia – Lvl 11

1729 XP

I reintroduce myself to the community. Should I kindly ask the new musician to repost their introductions to the New member introductions section?

Updated 25 May 2015 (15:41)
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44344 XP

Posted by Quest for GloryShould I kindly ask the new musician to repost their introductions to the New member introductions section?

Yes, that would be lovely!

Friggin Lord Elrond!