Forum » New member introductions » Hi Everyone :)

Hi Everyone :)

New member introductions
Victor Emanuel
Colonist – Lvl 7

707 XP

Hello. Just found out about this page. I was introduced by Quest For Glory (many thx) and I must say it is awesome. This site is a great initiative. I am looking forward to be a part of this community, to hear great music and see great artwork, and ofcourse get to know you all. A place where there is no bounderies of the imagination is something i have been searching for. And now... the quest is complete My new quest is to submit my music, and hopefully it will inspire you to new adventures My name is Victor Emanuel and I compose under the name EarGsm. Glad to meet you all. Take care. Cheers If you want to check out my music right now visit ;

Updated 2 December 2016 (12:54)

Composer from Norway. Just started to compose this kind of music and love it.
Quest for Glory
Militia – Lvl 11

1729 XP

Hi Victor, welcome here and I am glad that you come here. Also thank you for mentioning me Please submit your music to the radio (it will take some time until it will be on the air). Also another thing for you is to get involve in Compilation III , that is something that you will probably like. See what it is and go for it. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. See you around and take care! Quest

Updated 5 December 2016 (00:25)
Victor Emanuel
Colonist – Lvl 7

707 XP

Hi. Thank you Yeah I saw that compilation III, and what a great idea. I wanrt to get involved with that. I uploaded three song yesterday, and Elrond said he was going to put them on the show See you around
Composer from Norway. Just started to compose this kind of music and love it.
Militia – Lvl 11

1722 XP

welcome Victor
Victor Emanuel
Colonist – Lvl 7

707 XP

Thank you. Hope to see you around fellow adventurer
Composer from Norway. Just started to compose this kind of music and love it.
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

37246 XP

Welcome aboard, Victor, I hope you and others can breathe new life into RadioRivendell!
Footman – Lvl 13

2935 XP

Such truth! I know coming from me .... Anyway, I'm also glad that some newcomers have arrived and I hereby greet them and bid a heartfelt welcome.

Updated 8 December 2016 (20:16)

"Games are an interesting diversion from everyday life. Games give you a chance to excel, and if you're playing in good company, you don't even mind you lose because you had the enjoyment of the company during the course of the game." Gary Gygax
Victor Emanuel
Colonist – Lvl 7

707 XP

Thank you all for a warm welcome. I will do my best to contribute with music, and tell others about this society. And Happy Holiday to all of you.
Composer from Norway. Just started to compose this kind of music and love it.
Rob the Fox
Hobo – Lvl 1

42 XP

Hail Victor! I'm new too.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. It really isn't very long so make it count for something.
Victor Emanuel
Colonist – Lvl 7

707 XP

That is so true Rob the Fox. Travel the world, inspire and open up the mental no no's of ones ego and one will gain a new and pretty awesome perspective. A gray and sad day will suddenly become beautiful. I am pleased to meet you all and hope this channel will grow into something even more awesome than it is now. People making art writing stories, making jewleries and other stuff and people sculpting air preassure into music, this is bound to become an epic adventure. Take care. Cheers
Composer from Norway. Just started to compose this kind of music and love it.
Rob the Fox
Hobo – Lvl 1

42 XP

Nice to meet you!
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. It really isn't very long so make it count for something.
Footman – Lvl 13

2806 XP

Victory! Latest reply ever
Conjurer Soundcloud Website