Forum » New member introductions » Hey guys!

Hey Guys!

New member introductions
Jack Black
– Lvl 1

4 XP

I am new as you might have guessed. I love fantasy games, novels and music. Mainly came here for the music, as the genre is quite disorganized out there. I also have a suggestion or inquiry if Radiorivendell had any plans or interest to remake a standalone Android/iPhone app. I noticed that there was an iPhone app and unfortunately is no longer functional and a roundabout way to tune in using Android. Would love to help on that project. Anyway, I hope to have a good time here. Cheers.
I like all fantasy games especially dark fantasy ones like Pillars of Eternity. I also like fantasy/dark fantasy adventure movies preferably without any political commentary. I listen to all sort of music but tend to avoid mainstream music and prefer list
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

12127 XP

Welcome! Good to have you. A site overhaul is in the works but I'm unaware of any plans for a port to mobile platforms. The station is available on Spotify, Last FM, etc.

Updated 4 October 2018 (16:38)

Rank (male) – Lvl 1

37246 XP

Welcome, Jack Black! I like seeing that people are willing to volunteer their time and efforts to help. I would also like to do so, as soon as I'm finished with school (December of next year!). I can't wait to see the overhaul and see if some of the Old Guard come back. I first joined at the tail end of all that. I'm glad to see it has survived, though, because as you say...there's really nothing out there like Radio Rivendell. Which, quite frankly, shocks me.
W. R. Frady
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

3126 XP

Welcome Jack Black, I am a fan of fantasy novels, games, music, and well just about anything related to the genre. I hope you enjoy the great community here in Radio Rivendell. I know I do and am thankful to be a part of its growing community.
I am a writer based in the foothills of North Carolina, specializing in Gothic Horror and Fantasy. Though I do play around with some Science Fiction.