In order to enjoy Radio Rivendell, both the site and the webradio, you need to have javascript enabled in your browser. Or else things will not work as expected, as you probably see right now.
9 November, 2022
On Friday I plan on bringing back the search functionality to the site. So you'll be able to search for artists, albums, tracks, old news etc. I'm nearly done, I just need to touch up on the displaying part. After that I'll swing at brining the rating back too!
24 October, 2022
As you have noticed, it's Halloween in Rivendell! Apart from that I'm working on bringing back some of the old functionality, like searching and rating. Hopefully it shouldn't be too time-consuming! What else would you like to see?
19 October, 2022
As some of you might have noticed, the banners are back on the site. This is not to pester you but for me to monetize a little on this otherwise free service. Hopefully we can have ads that look better and are less intrusive, I'll look into that. Now they're a bit annoying.
30 September, 2022
Today I've introduced a forum section on the front page where you'll be able to see the latest topics and if you are logged in you are able to directly see what's new since your last visit. I've also added a requirement to fill out a simple question when registering a new account.
23 September, 2022
Yes, finally! Our forums are back, but don't expect things to be polished and fully working just yet. I've just spent a little time on reviving it, there will be blood, I mean bugs. It also looks off and wrong in some places.
22 September, 2022
I dabbled a little with gettings the forums back online, and I have a quite good feeling that I should be able to bring back a good enough base for us so that we can start using them again.
9 September, 2022
The best way to support your favourite radio station (Radio Rivendell, that is!) is to become a patron! By supporting us monthly you will not only help us out by scrambling for money to pay for hosting but you will also be sure to benefit from new features on the site.
Today I bring you the latest work by Franceso Pirrone – The Hero. Enjoy!
26 August, 2022
A few days ago I've posted a poll over at account at Patreon regarding if we should launch more channels, is it something you would be interested in? Click the link below and have your say!
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