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2 July, 2021
Today I bring you three new albums!
25 May, 2021
Our radio is back! And we're finally on HTTPS! I've swapped the software so now we'll be able to add new features later on (such as song requests(!), scheduling and multiple streams! But first things first; the server needs tuning and some more administration first, but it works!
13 May, 2021
Ouch, something more serious happened to the main radio server in the thunderstorm that just passed. So I'm afraid we're offline until I have fixed it. Not sure what happened to it, but it's quite dead and won't boot, ouch. Sorry for the silence! 😢🌩
7 April, 2021
Now that we're somewhat up to speed, what should be our main focus? Should we get the music rating back first? Or should I put effort into bringing the forum back online? Or what would you prefer us focusing on next? Fill the comments! 😊
Do you remember when we used to be able to gain XP and level up here on Rivendell? This functionality will of course return, but in the meantime you can remember that you'll always gain XP when you log in and comment on things! So feel free to start logging in and comment on the news at least!
26 March, 2021
We've supported and played the music from our dear friends Erdenstern for quite many years now and almost all their albums are available on our radio. Today they've launched their Patreon page!
20 March, 2021
Today I bring you music from the following artists: Gealdýr – Sol Glindar – Echoes from Middle-Earth
14 March, 2021
Today I'd just like to say a big thank you to our donors (PayPal and Patreon) that have not been mentionend over the last year: THANK YOU!
13 March, 2021
Hi, This is a little letter from your creator. Oh, not the big one, but the one who created Radio Rivendell. It was originally posted on our Patreon page, but reposted here.
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