Forum » Radio Rivendell Fantasy Awards » Fantasy Awards 2006 - Winners!
Fantasy Awards 2006 - Winners!
Radio Rivendell Fantasy AwardsElrond
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
Here are the winners!
Page: Fantasy Awards 2006 Winners
Game fantasy soundtrack/album
WINNER! The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Jeremy Soule
Gothic 3 - Kai Rosenkranz
Guild Wars: Nightfall - Jeremy Soule
Dreamfall - The Longest Journey - Leon Willett
Best song from fantasy game/album
WINNER! Into the Red, Into the Red by Erdenstern
Vista Point, Gothic 3 by Kai Rosenkranz
Reign of the Septims, Oblivion by Jeremy Soule
Kian's Theme, Dreamfall: The Longest Journey by Leon Willet
Best Fantasy Composer
WINNER! Erdenstern
Jeremy Soule, Kai Rosenkranz, Leon Willet
Best unsigned artist
WINNER! Sean Beeson
Averil 'Tincolindo' White, Paul Houseman, Matti Paalanen, David John, Richard Durand
Best song by unsigned artist
WINNER! Aetherius by Paul Houseman
'Hovering Metropolis'' by Sean Beeson
'Priestess of Avalon' by Averil 'Tincolindo' White
'Faire' by Celestial Aeon Project
Best fantasy website
WINNER! Encyclopedia of Arda
The Council of Elrond
Best fantasy art
WINNER! Lord Elrond by Surajo
Winter Stairs by Thalin
Tink by Kristin Kemper
Tantulus by Hugo Baur
44344 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Guard – Lvl 8
Juhu, my suggestion in "Best fantasy art" is the winner really great artwork. But I am
something disappointed that Gothik 3 wasn`t voted.
But that`s life
Great Fantasy Awards 2006 Winners
3326 XP
Sir Daniel of Bedford
King – Lvl 16
Congratulations everyone! And those who didn't come out as the over all winners are still winners for making it on the ballot!
19974 XP
– Lvl 20
Congratulations to everyone!
To All the Winers may you have more for us at Radio Rivendell to enjoy!
To all the other nominees, will expect more enjoyment as well and may you have lots of more entries for next year!
Tincolindo, still you are my favorite and voted for unsigned artist! Next year you'll win!
10727 XP
Honoured – Lvl 22
Congratulations to all the nominees & winners! What a terrific group of artists. Thanks so much for sharing your work with us, and may you all go on to bright futures.
And Lord Elrond, thanks for running the awards, and your awards page and graphics look great!
14767 XP
Guard – Lvl 14
Congratulations to the winners!!!
3843 XP
*champagne* -Plop!-
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18
Tincolindo, still you are my favorite and voted for unsigned artist! Next year you'll win!
8745 XP
*Hugs* Thanks, hun!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
Oh, yes, that reminds me, I really need to inform all winners Don't even know if they knew they were nominated
44344 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18
Yeah, that MIGHT be an idea, Elrond.....*giggles*
8745 XP
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
There, sent to most of them. Will require a speach too later
44344 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Legolas Greenleaf
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
I agree with witchywanda. You are still my favorite unsigned artist! Cool new avatar, by the way.
Look forward to hearing more of your work.
8462 XP
Hobo – Lvl 1
Dear Anders, dear Radio Rivendell listeners,
We're flattered. It was a great honour for us to be nominated alone. In a way, we felt a little like "among the big guys" with Jeremy, Kai and Leon nominated in the same categories. The bigger was our surprise when we read who won! Wow.
When we founded Erdenstern two years ago, we had no idea we'd get this far in that short a time. But the feedback we have got so far and the feedback we're still getting is very encouraging. It's like shouting against a mountain range, and having the echoes come back even hours later... And being voted "Best Fantasy Composer" is the mega-master-feedback of them all! Thank you very, very much.
(I thank my parents, my producer, the whole crew, the catering, the security... )
We have had a fun time on Radio Rivendell so far (it's still kind of strange, when from time to time you think "Hey! I know that tune... ), and we hope you will enjoy our next albums as much as the ones you already heard.
for Erdenstern
P.S.: "Into The Red" says hi. He feels honoured to be called "Best Song From Fantassy Album". Hope he'll not get arrogant with all the attention...
9 XP
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
You are most welcome! It's very encouraging for us also to have such dedicated artists that participate directly with us and the fans. We're looking forward to all new Erdenstern albums and releases!
Yet again, congratulations!
44344 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Sir Daniel of Bedford
King – Lvl 16
I will heartily second what Elrond said!!! Love the chunes immensely! Keep up the great work and we're anxious for more!
19974 XP
Lilu Olnathron
Royal Guard – Lvl 15
Congratulations to all the winners! I had such a tough time voting, the standards are all so high. All thoroughly deserved! *throws confetti*
4542 XP
"Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."
Honoured – Lvl 22
The winners & nominees should have a graphic of some sort on their artist page at RR proudly telling the world they were a Radio Rivendell 2006 (or 2005) Award Winner (or Nominee).
Wha'd'ya'll think?
14767 XP
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
We actually have that But not the nominee status though, perhaps that's something we should add.
Check Erdenstern for example:
44344 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!