Forum » Merchandising talk » How many want's a T-shirt?

How Many Want's A T-Shirt?

Merchandising talk
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Yes, how many would seriously be interested in a T-shirt with Radio Rivendell print on it? I am thinking on doing it without CafePress. It's more work to it but we'll have better quality and more colors to choose from.
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Wizard – Lvl 12

8142 XP

I'd like a t-shirt, but I'd also like to be able to choose the design on it, via contest or via "elections"
Officer – Lvl 9

4696 XP

It all depends on the price, design and when it 's due. At the moment i don't have any money for things like that... acctually i don't have money for anything else but food
Wizard – Lvl 12

8142 XP

Well..., you can bu the shirt, and then, eat it..
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Yes, it will probably be some time in the future. We/You will be able to vote on prints. I'll throw some together. I have started to work on a logo too.
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Wizard – Lvl 12

8142 XP

    *ejem*..., and the contest?
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Yes yes... There will be a contest Why don't you all post you paintings? I'll create a thread right away.
Friggin Lord Elrond!
I think that would be cool. I'll go for any price that's fair, but my decision will be made on the design. If it looks good, you've just sold another shirt.
Depending on the design - I think I would want one.
Lowlife – Lvl 1

12 XP

sorry but i send two times the same message XD..
Lowlife – Lvl 1

12 XP

Hi everybody........... ´sorry because í´m spanish and my english is very poor.... jejeje . I know i´ts a project but.... I read the post of t-shirts , i´m very interested to buy one or two . but i have a few questions: ¿can you come to arrive to Spain? ¿more or less..... at what price for two t-shirts? ¿the t-shirt serigraphy is in one or two sides?? In my opinion the logo of the page is a good idea for print in the t-shirt See you , Namárië
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

We'll ship worldwide, but the prices may vary. Post and packing within EU should be the same though. Don't know of the price just yet. It depends on how many who want one. The more the merrier and cheaper Also the more print the more it will cost. So, no clear answers just yet
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Peasant – Lvl 5

341 XP

Lord Elrond, that would be a great idea to have a shirt! I know I'd like one in purple no matter what the design on the front! Hee hee! Actually, I know I'm gonna have to order at least 5 because once my family sees it, you know the snowball affect will happen. LOL! I'll keep tuning in to see what your updates on the subject will be.
Peasant – Lvl 3

248 XP

I'd love to buy a shirt but it depends on price, design, and background color. There are some colors I just can't wear! I'll have a definate answer after the final design has been reached.
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

That's the good thing with this, is that you guys and girls can come with ideas and suggestions so that as many as possible with be happy with the result. So... what you have in mind for the color? I have heard ideas about having a brown/khaki/paper color on the shirt as we have on the webpage and then the Rivendell logo in red. That could work for a start. If there is enough interest we might create a few designs and colors... It's just a question of money, and I have quite a lot in donations (but it is to pay for the server though).
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Wizard – Lvl 12

8142 XP

Well, I've been thinking in a mixure between the Ring of Power, and some headphones, to make the mix of the music and the themes. That in a brown background, like the one on the radiorivendell background.
Peasant – Lvl 3

248 XP

Off the top of my head the colors for the background I can come up with are white, grey, black, navy blue, powder blue, dark green, and red. I'm against colors in the khaki family and the pink family simply because they make me look rather ill whenever I wear them. Suggestion: Have a look into how much extra it might be to do the same design but on different colored shirts. It would probably be less then doing different designs especially if the shirts are of the same quality. Having 2 or more colors would also fix any problems us people with color woes might have witha minimum of fuss.
Townfolk – Lvl 5

1091 XP

Wait, I've got two more copper pieces to throw in. I think there should be a design that works well on a white and black t-shirt. You could have a piece of beige paper, with the logo on it, kind of like an extension of this page, on the front or back and that would make sure that people that can't wear kakhi don't have to, and cut down on costs of having 10 different shirt colors. Also, you could have more text or quotes on the page with the elvish writing as a background. Oohh, even better, you could have the composer's names in either Elvish or "regular" in a lighter text like the Elvish writing down the length of the "page"! That way people can see the shirt and recognize their favorite music/composer on it so they know it's not just LOTR music from the most recent movies - I think that's the first conception people have when they hear the name - "Radio Rivendell? You mean music from that Frodo movie?" Although, I don't know how that fits in with purple t-shirts . . .
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

When I was discussing this with my brother I came to think of a really cool print... just imagine how cool it would be with the "ring-text" as a border around the bottom of the shirt. I mean all the way around. That would be really sweet, and probably tricky to print too...
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Oh... hopefully it won't be too expensive with say two colors if we print them at the same time with the same print. Just a dollar or two perhaps... Or I don't know. We'll see. I'll talk to them and see what the prices are.
Friggin Lord Elrond!