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T-Shirt Contest

Merchandising talk
Sir Daniel of Bedford
King – Lvl 16

19974 XP

Here are some samples that I personally took of the brook on our land. These are available for use with the RR merchandise if so desired. Brook2 Brook3 Brook5 Brook6
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Great! I haven't read anything on that site so I don't know what their terms are. But as Helgon said it could be a problem if we sell and make money of it unless we quote some exclamer. The best would be if we collected a bunch of our own pictures and chose a bunch of those It will make it more personal too How about a best-fantasy-picture-compo where you can win to get your print on the official Rivendell Merchandise? We can make this an annual thing
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Sir Daniel of Bedford
King – Lvl 16

19974 XP

Sounds like an excellent idea Lord Elrond! I am very keen on the personalization aspect. Adds a nice virtual family feel.
– Lvl 20

10727 XP

Can I second that motion????? I think you both have really come up with something! There are so many members here that could enter with pics from all over and it would really make it more family friendly. Wow, what a photo album this will be! Will also get us creative in taking nature photos! Tolkien would be proud, he loved Trees. witchywanda
– Lvl 20

10727 XP

Waiting for the updates on this one too, Lord Elrond! Need more stuff! Sound like Geroge Carlin and that skit of his about making room for more STUFF! Get rid of some stuff to make room for more stuff! In this case great stuff to wear and use! Need my "RR" tee for Birthday/ Anniversary Bash of Radio Rivendell, have to look great. Plus advertise the site! Toasting with our "RR" mugs and wearing the shirts and any other "RR" goodies you have available. PARTY!
Lowlife – Lvl 1

4 XP

Is there any contest this year 2011?
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Hmm... we better! It would be a good thing for our 10th year anniversary for sure!
Friggin Lord Elrond!
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18

7921 XP

I want my own RR T-shirt!!!!
Official X-Score Website X-Score on Facebook
– Lvl 20

10727 XP

I bought the black tee with the logo across the front, we really need new tees from the most awesome online radio site" Radio Rivendell"!
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18

7921 XP

grrr.. that's unfair! You made t-shirts while I was away! There's nothing left now i guess?
Official X-Score Website X-Score on Facebook
Sabal Do'Ghim
Peasant – Lvl 3

160 XP

Only some water buckets.
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Those T-shirts were made for our 5th year anniversary, ahem... five years ago I should really make new for this 10 year celebration Cafepress has deleted gear and emptied my account on my earnings. They've also changed the return for the worse. I will look into another store, such as Spreadshirt. Does anyone have any experience of them? Good? Bad?
Friggin Lord Elrond!
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18

7921 XP

oh yes oh yes oh yes!!
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