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5 Year Anniversary T-Shirt Preview!
Merchandising talkElrond
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
Here is the first preview of the 5 year anniversary T-shirt!
This will be the first black Radio Rivendell T-shirt!
44200 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!
– Lvl 20
WOW! Doing the "I want it" dance, but then all or any design RR Tee's will adventually end up here in Revere! Making all who see them drool for their own! We advertise for our favorite web site and it just continues! I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, Lord Elrond, you have made me feel better with this great preview!
10727 XP
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
Glad that you like it! I will release this precious item when we launch the anniversary
44200 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Peasant – Lvl 3
It's looks very good. Great job Lord Elrond.
I can?t wait to get one...
374 XP
Soldier – Lvl 12
Excellent! The graphics are very professional! Well Done Lord Elrond!
2000 XP
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
Glad you like it. I hope it's good enough The picture was take by me and the Moria-entrance was drawn by JRR Tolkien himself (from Fellowship of the Ring book I guess?). There shouldn't be any copyright infringements I hope... Eventhough it's his drawing. Oh well. It looks like the design is set then
44200 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Peasant – Lvl 3
I have no idea if it is legit or not. I suppose it comes down to whether the family extended the copyright on just his written works or on his published sketches too.
374 XP
– Lvl 20
I think the Tolkien Police were mainly going after the use of the maps. Since Christopher Tolkien made quite a few of them. Tolkien sold the rights of the books many years ago. But Christopher was actually policing the web for the use of his maps. Many had to get rid of them or pay loyalities. Anyway, as far as Tolkien's sketches, I do not think it was an issue. Quotes and such are even on jewlery.
10727 XP
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18
Yeah, i think the legit issue should be ok. And WOW! I want that shirt!!
8745 XP
Peasant – Lvl 3
Yes, I can?t wait. So do you have an idea of when they will become available?
374 XP
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
Perhaps a bit longer, we would face some copyright stuff... we'll see.
44200 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
Okay, I sat a few hours last night modelling a less copyright-problem-T-shirt design. Personally I like this one myself better
What do you think?
It features a wide horisontal design. The text below the picture says:
"One Radio to rule them all, One Radio to find them. One Radio to bring them all and with music bind them"
Across the image the text "five year anniversary" is printed in a semitransparent way.
That should probably fall under "parody" in the copyright law so we can probably use it. Unless you have anything else cool we could write there? Suggestions?
44200 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!
– Lvl 20
Looks great. Black tees always look great! Could you widen the forest scene more, love to see the forest.
Love the: "One Radio to rule them all, One Radio to find them. One Radio to bring them all and with music bind them"
All righty then, when can we buy them? I know many folks want one to wear and show off their favorite web site and get away from it all place.
Will be waiting for your announcement.
10727 XP
Townfolk – Lvl 5
I really like it, Elrond! It looks great! Sometimes what we create can be even better than the original! I think you've done that here!
1040 XP
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
Since no one has complained hysterically I'll go ahead with the design pretty soon.
44200 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Lowlife – Lvl 1
That design looks great
So does the origonal, too bad it might draw unwanted attention though.
20 XP
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
Yes, we wouldn't want to be sued. We cannot afford that It would probably wouldn't have been noticed, though better safe than sorry
44200 XP
Friggin Lord Elrond!