Forum » Radio Rivendell Fantasy Awards » Fantasy Awards 2006

Fantasy Awards 2006

Radio Rivendell Fantasy Awards
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44318 XP

Yes, new year, new awards! Okay, there's a long long time left, but hopefully many good releases during the year! This year I'll make it possible to listen to snippets from the nominees so it's more easy to pick your winners. More on this as we get closer.
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44318 XP

I think I'll throw my nomination votes on Archlord and Oblivion Great music!
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Honoured – Lvl 22

14767 XP

At this point , I'd nominate Michikawa (Matti Paalanen) for best unsigned artist. I've been listening to "Essence" at work...very nice!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44318 XP

Oohh, excellent! Essence/Matti is truly great!
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Guard – Lvl 14

3843 XP

I'd say we should have to wait for Neverwinter Nights 2 to get another greeeeeeeeeeeeat soundtrack from Sir Soule.
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44318 XP

Yes, Oblivion (and Morrowind) is a bit dull, but good background music nevertheless. Neverwinter Nights rocked I have big hopes for the sequel, though the competition will be fierce. Perhaps we'll see LOTR Online this year too?
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Peasant – Lvl 3

184 XP

Hi, Essence would be great and i would nominate Erdenstern, but not sure for what category? Maybe best Game Soundtrack or Composer? there music is remarkable.
Sir Daniel of Bedford
King – Lvl 16

19974 XP

You KNOW Paul Houseman has to be in the running...
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44318 XP

Absolutely! He has made the best unsigned music I've ever heard so far!
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Guard – Lvl 14

3843 XP

Hmmm, we should nominate Guild Wars Factions aswell, even though Sir Soule doesn't like doing sequels, he signed a very good sample for it. Ok, I can't really give a good point of view there, and I don't think we can nominate WoW nor L2 again as they are not from this year. I would nominate for games: Best fantasy game soundtrack - Oblivion (definitively) - Guild Wars Factions Best song from fantasy game: - Guild Wars Factions theme Best soundtrack composer: - Jeremy Soule Best Unsigned Artists: - Sean Beeson - Helen Trevilion Best song by unsigned artist: - Elvendale Woods So far at least.
Prince – Lvl 15

13042 XP

What are the categories?
Officer – Lvl 9

4696 XP

Last year it was the following: Best fantasy game soundtrack Best song from fantasy game Best soundtrack composer Best unsigned artist Best song by unsigned artist Best fantasy website
Morpheus, son of Hypnos
Warlord – Lvl 14

11744 XP

Wasn't there a category for fantasy artwork that got cut at the last minute due to few nominations? If so, will it be included in the 2006 Awards or axed altogether? /Morpheus
Prince – Lvl 15

13042 XP

Best fantasy game soundtrack: ARCHLORD
Prince – Lvl 15

13042 XP

Best unsigned artist: PAUL HOUSEMAN
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44318 XP

Wasn't there a category for fantasy artwork that got cut at the last minute due to few nominations? If so, will it be included in the 2006 Awards or axed altogether? Yes, there was. But didn't get enough (or any?) nominations. Better luck this yeat I hope!
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Freeman – Lvl 6

488 XP

Absolutely! He has made the best unsigned music I've ever heard so far I would humbly disagree with that statement
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44318 XP

All right people! The end of the year is drawing near! Let's rub our brains, scan your folders, browse your games, look through that drawer... it is time... time for Radio Rivendell Fantasy Awards 20006 Our categories are: Best fantasy game soundtrack Best song from fantasy game Best soundtrack composer Best unsigned artist Best song by unsigned artist Best fantasy website All creations (except for the website) will have to be made during 2006.
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Honoured – Lvl 22

14767 XP

Are you doing an award or a prize for best RR-themed wallpaper and photograph?
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44318 XP

Oh, perhaps we should get that? Could be a fun compo thing
Friggin Lord Elrond!