Captain – Lvl 20
11544 XP
What about having the whole affair be not about something so dramatic as a trial (which might lead to someone's death, after all), but petty and mundane, like gold.
For instance, say that the Merchants' Guild (rich, and influential because the local nobles are up to their eyeballs in debt to them) is about to settle a dispute about new trade routes (or something equally banal). The upper echelons of your thieves' guild see more profit in one route over the others, and organize the kidnapping to sway a key merchant's vote.
You are made to terrorize, perhaps even kill, a child for no other reason than to increase the income of your guildmaster and his cronies by 10%. Trying to justify that to yourself and your victim should put things into perspective.
One solution to the problem would be to hand the girl over to a neutral party (a temple, a notoriously stubborn noble, the epic-level innkeeper, etc.) and make a run for it.
A committed user and abuser of roleplaying games. Based in Oulu, Finland.
Posted by MuadMouseOne solution to the problem would be to hand the girl over to a neutral party (a temple, a notoriously stubborn noble, the epic-level innkeeper, etc.) and make a run for it.
This is a much better wording of what I had in mind! More distilled, better formed and generally, much more usable
I'd exclude the noble-- it probably has sufficient social power but no single noble could be a match to the guildmaster's influence, let alone ability to organise her/his death. I'd also exclude the innkeeper-- probably insufficient social power and as such couldn't publicly protect the girl (could be framed or whatnot). This leaves me the temple the only viable (and really viable to be honest) solution. But it's not for me but for Ioanna to consider
Captain – Lvl 20
11544 XP
Posted by SurranóI'd exclude the noble-- it probably has sufficient social power but no single noble could be a match to the guildmaster's influence, let alone ability to organise her/his death.
Actually, an aristocrat could have quite considerable short-term influence against anyone: they - by definition - have troops, and may well have experience in intrigue. Furthermore, radical action against a noble may elicit a destructive response from all the various influential relatives.
Nobles may also be personally formidable and idealistic; consider, for instance, the monster-slaying knight who's come up in the world.
I'd also exclude the innkeeper-- probably insufficient social power and as such couldn't publicly protect the girl (could be framed or whatnot). This leaves me the temple the only viable (and really viable to be honest) solution.
The idea with that was the fantasy RPG trope of the adventurer who, after winning fame, riches and absurd amounts of experience (and significant contacts) retires to run an inn. Since 'alignment' has come up, I assume we're talking about a D&D-derivative system, where this would almost certainly hold true. "Don't mess with the innkeeper", as they say in the Forgotten Realms.
But the details don't really matter, and I'm sure Ioanna has quite a few eligible alternatives. If not, we're always here to help.
A committed user and abuser of roleplaying games. Based in Oulu, Finland.
Great idea for a thread and I'm glad I finally read through it. I love backgrounds, back-stories and prequels. That being said...
Many great ideas for a character already posted here, but my two copper pieces is as follows. The 'Simple' route: as stated before, there would be an alignment shift for this character and that really is a big deal (not every day any one of us would just shift our world view). So, the background could be somewhat of an internal narrative on where this course of action will lead. With enough time waiting with your captive, you could play out hypothetical future scenarios, (murder and other nefarious activities), and decide this isn't what you signed up for.
Far more melodramatic is the discovery of a relationship with the child. As time passes and the child talks about their family and upbringing, the character could discover this child is a blood relative of some sort. To be really melodramatic, the child could be the characters child, either given up at birth for adoption, left by the character at birth, or in the case of a male character, a child he never knew he had.
The Old Timers Guild
"Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
All about the fun!"
>> Open to the Public!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
16514 XP
Oh goodness, many suggestions!
don't you think blood relations complicate things too much? I don't know... maybe a lost younger sibling that was fortunate enough to get adopted or something... ^_^
I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
Posted by Ioannadon't you think blood relations complicate things too much? I don't know... maybe a lost younger sibling that was fortunate enough to get adopted or something... ^_^
Very much complicates things Depending on the character/campaign, could make for an interesting story. Younger sibling or even a cousin could also work. The beauty of all these suggestions is that you have much to work with, especially since you know your character and where you want them to go.
The Old Timers Guild
"Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
All about the fun!"
>> Open to the Public!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1
16514 XP
Female Paladin People!!
Tell me what you think.
Lady Elrinda Prudence Wendellis Of Vellumis
"... it's bedtime kids. Come on don't make granny get up.", three little ones gathered on the blankets paved on the wagon floor next to the rusty stove. "Come on granny, mom is still performing, we can wait her." said the dark haired boy as he put another piece of wood on the stove and rubed his hands together. He looked almost eight but you could not tell for sure. Boys in wondering lives ,like that of a traveling circus, grow up differently.
"The circus is a rowdy place Tom, mom will be back much later but there is some time for a good story if you little ones would like. A good one just popped in my mind". Tom's younger twin sisters immediately got excited. "Oh, is it about a princess? A very very beautifull one with a dress and a castle?... that gets married!!?"
"Cover yourselves back with the blankets girls... Well it is about a lady... " she said and laid back at her swinging chair."Yeah, a girl story!!" Tom suddenly looked like he had lost all interest. It was alright when there was a brave fighter involved to granny's stories or a cunning wizard but a Lady...
"Oh my wait till you hear it girls and be very quiet cause you wouldn't want to miss a good part, right? It all started many years ago. In a far land of shivalry a baby girl was born and the stars were aligned... She was blessed with a family, a wealthy one and brothers to protect her as she was growing. She learned to read and write, recite poems, be polite and she was also trained in the sword combat..." Tom jumped right in, this got his attention "You said she was a Lady! Ladies don't fight. ".
"In this Land everyone held a sword and learned the basics of it Tom. Lie down and don't interrupt me. Where was I? Ah yes! Sword combat! She was actually pretty good at it. And as she was growing up she earned a steady composure, long black hair and an unforgetable figure. Every week she would go to church along with her family and everyone would turn to look as she passed at the alley. She liked it there, she learnt the scripts by heart but it took her many years to realise what that meant. As the years passed and her youth blossomed the time was near for her to make lifechanging desicions... She was proposed to mariage by a wealthy diplomate's son."
The girls went wild... "She got married and had kids!" ... "And she lived happily ever after!" granny sensed that Tom started to lose interest again so she continued... "No girls... hahaha... she wouldn't marry that pampered brat in a milion years! Hahahaha!!" the twins stoped the fuzz and started paying attention to granny again. "For one thing he was half the size she was... hahhaha... and the one time they got together to talk he was so boring that she spent all the time yawning. Her father was very firm on this matter and as much as she wanted to avoid it one day she was announced that at the church he would make the announcement to everybody in town for her engagement, upon the arrival of a good family friend, and arch-cleric, that will be doing the sermon. She got so unhappy, so frustrated... she spend all the days before church day in her room with her sword training and praying... till she figured out what to do..." the kids stayed silent. It was obvious that finally they were caught in the story, even Tom.
"When the day finally came she put on a beautifull green dress had her hair brushed till it shined and walked to the side of her parents to the alley and right in the front row. When the sermon finished right before the crowed started to scatter away, her father stood up and went right next to the arch-cleric. They greeted as old friends and he whispered to his ear the good news.
- People of Vellumis seems that this town has to meet a newly engaged couple!, he said and everyone turned his way.
Our Lady and the pampered boy approached the arch-cleric. He would look at her as if she was made of gold but she wouldn't look at him at all...
-Don't be shy little doves tell us you names, make the announce properly.
- Godfried Liomnus! he said
-Lady Elrinda Prudence Wendellis she said and everyone in church gasped. They knew what this mariage would mean for both families.
-We will be getting married he said and looked at her with he most discusting way, trying to imagine the dress's limits and her figure's. Everyone clapped and cheered. At that time she replied.
-Yes we will! By one condition! Everyone stopped the ramble and her father froze.... so did Godfried.
-Condition? I was not informed by that. Speak up child and be quick about it. We don't have all day.
Elrinda coughed a bit to clear her voice. She knew this game well being persuasive was her second nature, apart from sword fighting....
-Dear friends and family, being a member of this church for all my years I have learnt a few great things. Being honest, trust justice and live with HONOUR is all I care.
The crowed went wild, even the arch-cleric was suprised by the influence of her words.
-For me to live with honour I must be wed with someone of great courage and strength. So I chalenge Sir Godfried to a sword fight. If he wins we get married, if I win I could never marry someone with inferior skills than mine. Is that to much to ask.?
The crowed went ever wilder and the arch-cleric burst into laughts.
As our ladies skills were only known to her family Sir Godfried sure about his victory drew his sword.
-I respect your request to have a strong and skilled husband and I accept your chalenge! he almost shouted out of joy. At the same time her father was trying to discourage him shouting "NO!" but his words fel on deaf ears. It was already starting....
-Well then why all we witness this chalenge out in the yard said the arch-cleric with a smile on his face. Young Lady you will be needing this. he said and gave her a longsword.
When everything was ready the battle began... and ended almost in 10 seconds... Ofcourse our lady won! Sir Godfried left the churches yard ashamed for eternity and our lady had a good amount of people knowing about the challenge.
The evening of the same day everyone was at home to welcome the arch-cleric with a dinner. Our lady was happy but her father wasn't talking much...
-What is it friend you seem rather blue today...
-That's because my own daughter decided to disregard my saying!! Everyone got quiet suddenly...
-Well I am glad she did...
-What do you mean? What will she do now? She lost the opportunity to be wed in a treasure chest! That boy was mermerized by her.
-Now you put it correctly... He was a BOY, not a man. You didn't ask me what will your first son do, why do you ask what will she do? They have the same sword grip! If she could recite the "The Acts" she could aswell come with me!
That was it, our Lady Could recite the acts by heart since chilhood... that was her path! She stood put her hand on her heart and started... All 11 of them were said none was missing. The Arch-cleric was listening mesmerised and her father just quit...
-Yes she might aswell go with you. He said stood from the table and left...
That day was the last day she stayed home, kids. See Tom This Lady resqued herself... Tom??"
The little ones were sleeping. Seems they were more tired than they seemed and granny's voice was just what they needed to fall asleep.
"Oh well better this way... What happens next is not for kids anyway..." says and leaves the crystal ball she had on her lap over a pillow at a table right next to her. "What an interesting lady! I hope I get "news" again from her..."
I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!