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Software For Rp Sessions!

The Library
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

16270 XP

Here we post anything that can be usefull during an RP session. This way apart from the music on RR we will be able to find everything needed here! Feel free to post your favourite dice rollers, generators etc.
I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
    *I am bluffing*
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

16270 XP

Ok I'll make the start here....

Apart from music which I find to my beloved RR I like to add to sessions all kinds of sounds to create atmosphere. That's a project that Lord Elrond has sujested I think and it might be a feature on our site in the future, until then....

I have found Softrope a very easy soundscape mixer. This software and a big compilation of sound effects are great. I once used it to add rain, wolves, even cemetery bells.....ohhooohh spooky.

Do you use a sound mixer? Which one?

Updated 28 August 2012 (08:58)

I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
    *I am bluffing*
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Ohh, that looks as a great app! Too bad it's for Windows so I cannot check it out.
Friggin Lord Elrond!
2nd Lieutenant – Lvl 18

7921 XP

That sounds like a really nice app indeed!
Official X-Score Website X-Score on Facebook
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

16270 XP

It's very easy to use. The only drawback I can think of is that you actually have to find your own sound compilations to download.... Apart from that I think it's great. I once spend a hole night playing with it. You get to name every theme and put little pictures to the buttons, adjust volumes etc...
I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
    *I am bluffing*
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

16270 XP

I' ve heard there is an app for Skype (like an add-on) that is a dice roller for everyone in the call to see. Does anyone know anything abou it? I don't have the strength today to search on my own...
I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
    *I am bluffing*
Distinguished Citizen – Lvl 9

1061 XP

No I havent heard of anything like that Loanna sorry. Also I downloaded softrope like you suggested but I dont understand how it works.

Updated 22 September 2012 (04:23)

Rank (male) – Lvl 1

16270 XP

??? That's odd.... You just press "New scene", a new button appears you double click it and that's basically how you start. Maybe you thought that there will be already a few sounds? You need to have your own sounds to mix.
I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
    *I am bluffing*
Distinguished Citizen – Lvl 9

1061 XP

Ah yeah I did but I found a good site that has all the sounds I need
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

16270 XP

Posted by SermarkusAh yeah I did but I found a good site that has all the sounds I need

And which site that may be???

I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
    *I am bluffing*
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Aah, how I want to produce Radio Rivendell's official sound board web application
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

16270 XP

One thing at a time!! hahahaaa So far Softrope does its work, so need to rush anything There are so many ideas for RR that I don' t know how you keep up...
I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
    *I am bluffing*
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Posted by IoannaThere are so many ideas for RR that I don' t know how you keep up...

Haha, I DON'T

Friggin Lord Elrond!
Distinguished Citizen – Lvl 9

1061 XP

Posted by IoannaAnd which site that may be???

I'll check for you when I fix my computer

Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

I've started working on a very simple version of the Rivendell soundboard. Or whatever do you call these things? Sound mixer? Ioanna, what do you like about Softrope? What would you like to have changed? Rivendell's "thingy" will be packed with great fantasy sounds. It will be an page here on the site, similar to our radio player.
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

16270 XP

Oh goodie!!! I can't wait! Well let's see... First I will tell you what I don't like... I had to find my own sounds to mix, this was tricky... Apart from that it took me a lot of time to actually create a theme(search the mp3 file "not this rain the other rain with thunders!". But once it was finished you simply had to press a button. I liked all simple stuff all sound mixers have, like the option to make a sound loop or to adjust every sounds volume( e.g. so that you could hear the creepy church bell ringing in the background). Can't wait to see the first version, oh and please make sure it will play on Firefox!!! Ok?
I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
    *I am bluffing*
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

It will play everywhere! Now I've just tested Chrome and Firefox, but works like a charm in both. It should work in all browsers and devices. How much control do you need for all sounds? Is it enough with three volumes of each sound? And all environmental sounds (wind, forest, ocean etc.) are always looped. It will also be packed with all sounds from the beginning, no more searching
Friggin Lord Elrond!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

Posted by ElrondIt will also be packed with all sounds from the beginning, no more searching

Though this requires royalty free samples though...

Friggin Lord Elrond!
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

16270 XP

Posted by Elrondno more searching

That would be great...

Posted by ElrondThough this requires royalty free samples though...

This could be very tricky... Let's see what we can find on this matter...

I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
    *I am bluffing*
Rank (male) – Lvl 1

44200 XP

I do my development using sounds from games, but they will definitely not be royalty free. There are sounds on, though they are not that perfect as the game sounds already are

Friggin Lord Elrond!