Forum » The Library » [WIP] DnD world map

[Wip] Dnd World Map

The Library
Beggar – Lvl 2

51 XP

I made a map in photoshop for my latest DnD game. My first as a DM. Here it is. The big dots represent Cities, the small represent towns. I have yet to name them, or name anything for that fact. Here is the link to the photoshop tutorial. Have fun, feel free to use it.

Updated 1 October 2012 (11:18)

Rank (male) – Lvl 1

16518 XP

Needs a lot of work but thanks for sharing.! I'm guessing... maybe a forest adventure?? Since it's in the heart of the map... I wanted to ask you, do you use a name generator or "Imgur" was you idea? I really like it.
I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
    *I am bluffing*
Beggar – Lvl 2

51 XP

I might use a name generator, I'm not sure. I think I'm going to call the forest Greatwood. And I'll make a swamp called Blackmarsh.

Updated 1 October 2012 (11:29)

Rank (male) – Lvl 1

16518 XP

Ohh... nice...
I have a whip of banning (+3magic) and I 'm not afraid to use it!
    *I am bluffing*
Distinguished Citizen – Lvl 9

1207 XP

Blackmarsh is already taken. Elder scrolls has an area called Blackmarsh, which is where the Argonians (Lizard people) hail from.
"We may be few, and our enemies many. Yet so long as there remains one of us still fighting, one who still rages in the name of justice and truth, then by the Allfather, the galaxy shall yet know hope." - Ragnar Blackmane
Captain – Lvl 20

11544 XP

Posted by Berek_IronfistBlackmarsh is already taken.

I'll say it's taken! There's probably a "Black Marsh" in every bit of the planet with wet ground! Don't they understand that the one I live close to is the One and Only!

But seriously, the name is much too generic for Bethesda to trademark convincingly, let alone reasonably. I'm fairly certain the Black Marsh of Tamriel has a predecessor, and in all likelihood it was populated by reptilian humanoids (like every other swamp in D&D worlds since the inclusion of lizard men).

They're just names.

A committed user and abuser of roleplaying games. Based in Oulu, Finland.
Master Sergeant – Lvl 17

6999 XP

Areas on a map are, for the most part, not trademarked. A trademark identifies something specific about a company's product. "D&D", "Forgotten Realms", and "Greyhawk" are likely trademarked, but "Vesve Forest" or "Silverymoon" likely are not. "Waterdeep" might be, since there are several products using that name. But I wouldn't expect "Black Marsh" to be trademarked by Bethesda. "Black Marsh of Tamriel" might be copyrighted, but that's a different kettle of fish.
– Lvl 0

6740 XP

There's nothing new under the sun, as they say. As long as you stay away from using stuff for commercial purposes I doubt if you'll be hunted down.
Master Sergeant – Lvl 17

6999 XP

Sorry, but whether it's for commercial use or not isn't the issue. It's whether it's being used privately in one's own home or if it's being distributed publicly. Whether or not money is involved is moot. If WotC/Hasbro take notice of something using their intellectual property, the least they will do is send a takedown notice to the person, or a DMCA notice to the hosting site. Trust me -- companies don't like sending notices like that. (I'm the one who does it at my company.)

Just keep it private, for your own use.

Militia – Lvl 11

1722 XP

Posted by KitharisSorry, but whether it's for commercial use or not isn't the issue. It's whether it's being used privately in one's own home or if it's being distributed publicly. Whether or not money is involved is moot. If WotC/Hasbro take notice of something using their intellectual property, the least they will do is send a takedown notice to the person, or a DMCA notice to the hosting site. Trust me -- companies don't like sending notices like that. (I'm the one who does it at my company.)Just keep it private, for your own use.

See, this is where I start to have problems with broken laws and shameless lawyers and greedy companies and software patents. It's all in the same sewer stew of b.s.

The English language only has so many combinations of words before it runs out. So if someone wants to call their own hand-drawn map "blackmarsh" , then send it freely to whosoever wants it, free of charge, in my opinion, is not violating ANY thing. {Tort Reform - or die}

Now if they make an RPG or MMO and call part of their game map , blackmarsh... the line gets pretty fuzzy + lawyers get a payday. {Tort Reform - or die}

Same with software. Most programmers goto school to be taught the C language (C# , C++, etc) . It's taught basically the same for everyone , so when two people craft the same code to solve the same issue, it's because that is the language , derp. {Software Patent reform or die}